Krystal Heyer
(480) 312-8716
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Seandale Poe
(480) 312-8751
HHW / Solid Waste / Recycling – (480) 312-5600
Storm Drain / Illegal Dumping / Illegal Discharges / Spill Events - (480) 312-8780
Standing Water – (480) 312-2546
Flooding / Drainage Issues – (480) 312-2500
Scottsdale's drainage system consists of about 403 miles of conveyance facilities including pipe and box underground facilities, open channels and washes and roadway sections. Most of the pipe and box sections are located south of the Central Arizona Project (CAP) and nearly all of the washes are located north of the CAP. Indian Bend Wash is the city's primary tributary to the Salt River and is a nationally recognized flood control project that includes parks, golf courses, lakes, and a multi-use trail system.
The City of Scottsdale was classified as a Phase I MS4 for serving a population of greater than or equal to 100,000 and obtained its Phase I permit in August 1999.
Goals of the NPDES Program
To accomplish these goals, the City of Scottsdale: