The City of Phoenix created Storm Drain Dan as an educational tool for children to relate to stormwater issues.
Please follow along as Storm Drain Dan takes on challenges in educating the general public on stormwater awareness.
Episode #1 – Storm Drain Dan and His Adventures to Save Our Water:
Kids, help Storm Drain Dan work to keep our water safe from improper used oil disposal.
Episode #2 – Storm Drain Dan and His Adventures with the Weed Killer:
Kids, help Storm Drain Dan respond to his storm drain dump-o-meter and take on the Weed Killer.
Episode #3 – Storm Drain Dan and the Case of the Mysterious Swimming Pool Water:
Kids, help Storm Drain Dan and his friends investigate a suspicious discharge that enters a park and interrupts a good game of baseball.
Phoenix granted the rights to Episodes #2 and #3 for use by the STORM organization and it members.
Kids! Take the Stormwater Runoff Challenge. See if you can complete this word jumble.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has developed programs and publications to provide further educational opportunities to kids and teachers about storm water pollution issues. Below are just a couple of links.
EPA Students for the Environment
Resources for Students and Educators about Nonpoint Source (NPS) Pollution