City of Apache Junction

STORM Representative(s)

Emile Schmid, P.E.
Senior Project Manager
575 E. Baseline Ave.
Apache Junction, AZ 85119
(480) 474-8515
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Report a Problem

The City of Apache Junction would like to respond to any citizen's concern about:

  • Piles of trash/debris discovered in washes
  • Sediment filled or blocked washes or storm drains
  • Spills that impact or threaten storm drains or washes
  • Suspicious dry weather flows into gutters, storm drains or washes
  • Sediment runoff from poorly controlled construction sites
  • Suspicious runoff from industrial sites
  • Unconfined runoff from commercial car washing or detailing

Please carefully describe your concern when calling the Public Works Department at (480) 982-1055. Please be prepared to share details of location, type of incident and your caller information. If it an emergency, call 911. Other concerns can be handles by the following agencies:

  • Persons in the act of illegal dumping: City of Apache Junction Police Department. Non-emergency, (480) 982-8260.
  • Sanitary sewer overflows/breaks: Superstition Mountains Community Facilities District No. 1, (480) 983-2212.
  • Excessive dust and or vehicles trackout of sediment onto paved roads: Pinal County Air Quality Control District, (520) 866-6929.
  • Mosquitoes and other vectors: Pinal County Dept. of Environmental Health Services, (520) 866-6864.
  • Water main breaks: City of Apache Junction Public Works Dept., (480) 982-1055.

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Stormwater Pollution Overview:

Stormwater Pollution Prevention:

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Program Summary

Storm water pollution is a continuing problem throughout the United States even in our arid part of Arizona. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, approximately 40 percent of surveyed U.S. surface water does not meet water quality standards. Pollution from storm water runoff is believed to be one of the lead sources of contamination.

Storm water runoff in Apache Junction is just as significant as any city within the U.S., if not more so because of how little rain we do get. Low amounts of precipitation results in higher concentrations of pollutants during each rain event as compared to cities in less arid regions.

When rain events occur in Apache Junction, pollutants are transported primarily through street gutters, culverts and open channels directly to our community retention basins, community green spaces, city parks and washes.

Because storm water flows are not treated, pollutant contamination buildup occurs and ultimately re-enters the water supply through ground water recharge. Storm water pollutants also aid in the spread of viruses and diseases by providing places for mosquitoes and other nuisance insects and toxic algae growth to occur.

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