Yard chemicals are toxic to fish as well as to the humans who eat the fish. Whether you do the yard work yourself or hire a contractor, keep these products out of the storm water system.
Follow product label instructions when using fertilizers, pesticide, insecticides and fungicides.
When applying chemicals, only use the amount and concentration needed for the job. "More is NOT better". Excess product will be carried off when it rains.
Don't over-water your lawn. Excess water will carry pollutants to the storm drain system
Try to find and use least toxic, and most environmentally friendly products to control weeds, add nutrients to your lawn and control pests/ insects.
Consider physically pulling weeds in place of chemical treatment or using ladybugs to control bugs.
Never throw pesticides, insecticides, or fertilizers in the trash or into a storm drain.
Take the unused products to a household hazardous waste collection center.
Up to 70% of home water use is on landscaping. Properly managed outdoor water use can reduce non-stormwater discharges from your property.
Check sprinkler / irrigation system for leaks
Adjust sprinklers to prevent over spray
Adjust watering schedule for the season
Consider rainwater harvesting
Convert lawn to xeriscape. Some communities offer incentive programs to offset the cost of this conversion. For more information about water conservation in your community, visit the Water - Use It Wisely website and click on the appropriate municipal member logo.